Working Moms Create Balance with Nelly Alba

Working Moms Create Balance with Nelly Alba

Dr. Gertrude interviews Nelly Alba about ditching what working moms “should do,” being ambitious, and creating the life you want.


Dr. Gertrude interviews Nelly Alba about ditching what working moms “should do,” being ambitious, and creating the life you want.  

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Episode Outline: 

00:48 Dr. Gertrude's life update

07:08 Nelly Alba’s journey to Working Mom Balanced 

15:24 Balance is not found its created

20:41 Biggest mother codes Nelly rewrote

27:28 Connecting to your vision

32:36 Deciding to be a stay-at-home dad

39:33 Tools for stress management

45:24 What does rewrite the mother code mean for Nelly

46:35 Dr. Gertrude’s wrap-up 

Dr. Gertrude talks with Working Mom Balanced Podcast Host Nelly Alba about creating the life you want as a mother. As an ambitious, career-oriented person, Nelly found the typical work-life balance advice ineffective and negative. 

After suffering a breakdown living according to what moms “should do,” she consciously decided to live differently than the blogs suggested. She began her business of blogging, podcasting, and mentoring other working moms while also raising two children and being the director of a non-profit organization. 

Nelly and Dr. Gertrude discuss the importance of self-awareness and self-discovery before making huge life changes. If we don’t know how we want the changes to look, it's easy to fall into old habits and do what we think other people want, ignoring ourselves. 

Nelly shares her experiences rewriting the mother codes, including establishing healthier family boundaries and supporting her partner, who is a stay-at-home father. Nelly details some of the softer tools she uses to prevent stress and dispel negativity in the long term. 

#RewriteTheMotherCode #WorkingMomsCreateBalance


Connect with Dr. Gertrude 

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Connect with Nelly Alba:

Listen to Working Mom Balanced Podcast:

Learn more on Nelly’s website:

Download Nelly’s free clarity journal here:

About Dr. Gertrude Lyons:

Through her career as a professional life coach, Dr. Gertrude Lyons has become a national mothering revolutionary. Join Gertrude as she confronts the myths surrounding mothering, and challenges the very notion of what it means to be a mother. Expect conversations that question your preconceived beliefs, and ask you to lean into topics that will tap into the powerful femininity within you. Be prepared to show up, hold space, and be mothered in a way you’ve never been before, but have always needed.

Season 4Gertrude Lyons