Motherhood & Creativity: A Conversation with Jennifer Louden

Motherhood & Creativity: A Conversation with Jennifer Louden

Jennifer Louden is a personal growth pioneer who helped launch the concept of self-care with her first bestseller, The Woman’s Comfort Book, published in 1992. Since then, she’s written eight additional books on well-being and creative living, including The Woman’s Retreat Book and The Life Organizer, with close to a million copies of her books sold in nine languages.


Jennifer Louden

Jennifer Louden is a personal growth pioneer who helped launch the concept of self-care with her first bestseller, The Woman’s Comfort Book, published in 1992. Since then, she’s written eight additional books on well-being and creative living, including The Woman’s Retreat Book and The Life Organizer, with close to a million copies of her books sold in nine languages. 

Jennifer has spoken around the U.S., Canada, and Europe, and has written a national magazine column for Martha Stewart magazine. She’s been profiled or quoted in dozens of major magazines; two of Brené Brown’s books, Daring Greatly and Dare to Lead; and appeared on hundreds of TV, radio shows, and podcasts—even on Oprah. Her latest book is Why Bother? Discover the Desire for What’s Next has more than 500 5-star reviews on Amazon. 

Jennifer has been teaching workshops and retreats since 1992 and creating online learning experiences since 1999. She became a creativity and writing coach in 2001 and now works with writers and creators on crystallizing their signature ideas and getting their work launched. 

She hosts the popular podcast Create out Loud from her home in Boulder County, Colorado where she lives with her husband Bob, and their two dogs, Stuart and Willa. She’s a mom of two fully launched adults and a passionate climate activist. 

The Ever-Changing Roles of Motherhood

Jennifer Louden beautifully highlights the evolution of the mother-child dynamic over time. She emphasizes that, just as she experienced an exchange with her own mother, where roles shifted as she grew older, it's vital to prepare for similar changes in the parent-child relationship. As children grow into adulthood, mothers might lose some of the caretaking responsibilities they once held. This evolving dynamic is a natural part of life and deserves our attention.

Allowing Space for Individual Journeys

Gertrude and Jennifer discuss the challenges of letting children take their own paths and make their own mistakes. While it can be difficult to detach from the desire to control or protect, it's essential to let children be who they are and navigate their unique journeys. This resonates deeply with the theme of "Rewrite the Mother Code," which encourages mothers to question societal expectations and embrace their children's individuality.

The Power of Belief in Creativity

Jennifer Louden's dedication to the creative process and her belief in herself as a writer shine through. She encourages aspiring authors and mothers to keep believing in their creative work. Writing, like motherhood, is a transformative and sometimes messy process. However, it's important to persist, even when the outcome is unclear. Her unwavering commitment to her creative endeavors serves as an inspiration to all creative mothers.

Rewriting the Mother Code: An Act of Freedom

The heart of the conversation revolves around the concept of "rewriting the mother code." Jennifer beautifully sums up what this means to her: "To me, it's an act of rewriting the mother code is an act of freedom for all mothers." In a world where mothers often face judgment and expectations, "rewriting the mother code" stands as an act of liberation, enabling mothers to live authentically and embrace the full spectrum of their identities.

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Show highlights

  • Embracing Change: Mother-child relationships change over time, necessitating adaptation to evolving roles and dynamics.

  • Fostering Independence: Allowing children to make their own choices and learn from their mistakes is vital in supporting their individual journeys.

  • The Power of Belief: Believing in the creative process is essential, as persisting through uncertainty and messiness leads to transformation.

  • Freedom in Rewriting the Mother Code: Jennifer highlights that rewriting the Mother Code empowers mothers to live authentically and break free from societal expectations.

  • Honoring Complexity: Motherhood is a multifaceted journey; recognizing and shaping our narratives is crucial for embracing our creative voices and leaving a lasting impact.

Season 4Gertrude Lyons